Brain and Heart Care

Sedorex Tablet

Ayurvedic Proprietary medicine is an authentic brain tonic that helps to promote brain metabolism & mental wellness

✔ Improves concentration and memory
Promotes intellectual performance
Helps to relieve stress & anxiety
Calms down brain & mind
Effectively manages Insomnia


  • Brahmi
  • Khurasini Ajowan
  • Jaiphal
  • Shankhpushpi
  • Amla
  • Ashwagandha
  • Godanti Shuddha
  • Vacha
  • Guduchi
  • Suvarna Makshik Bhasma
  • Akik Bhasma
  • Jatamansi

Dose: As directed by Physician | Pack: Bottle of 30 Tablets

Charitone Tablet

Ayurvedic Proprietary medicine that helps to relieve stress, anxiety, Insomnia. It is a nervine brain tonic and mild antihypertensive

✔ Helps to relieve stress
Calms down brain
Manages Anxiety
Helps to control mild to moderate hypertension
Effectively manages Insomnia


  • Ashwagandha
  • Jatamansi
  • Tulsi
  • Arjuna
  • Mandukparni
  • Shatavari
  • Shankhpushpi
  • Sarpagandha
  • Brahmi

Dose: As directed by Physician | Pack: Bottle of 30 Tablets

Ngioved Capsule

Unique proprietary formula that helps in Cardiovascular Diseases, Atherosclerotic conditions, Hypertension & other Heart ailments

✔ Helps to control hypertension & cholesterol
Improves myocardial contractility
Effective cardiotonic, cardioprotective and Cardio-stimulant
Increases blood circulation
Reduces abnormal dilation of heart
Improves arterial elasticity/compliance


  • Arjunsal
  • Punnarnava Ghan
  • Draksh Ghan
  • Garlic Suddha
  • Pimpalimul Ghan
  • Vekhand Churna
  • Jatamansi Churna
  • Sarpagandha
  • Ajmod

Dose: As directed by Physician | Pack: Bottle of 30 Capsules

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